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The Monster: A Frankenstein Tale

BHS Drama's world premiere of this new spin on the old tale promises surprises at every turn. Mary Shelley's shocking real life bleeds into the most famous ghost story contest in history: the stormy weekend her famous novel Frankenstein was invented. Now, the famous tale, re-written so that it more closely resembles Mary's real life, begins with a grief stricken Victor Frankenstein willing to work with a controversial scientist named Igor, whose true identity can never be known. Pressure from the scientific community leads to the creation of the famous monster--but there is a twist about this monster--one that you'll have to see to believe. This is a play about a society, any society, that seeks to purge from its midst anyone or anything that it fears and about a man who will plummet to the depths of darkness to stem the tide of his pain. Mania, mobs, and murder cascade from the choices made by Frankenstein, himself, leading us to question: who is the real monster?